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Pin black to 23.11.* to avoid picking unwanted style changes.

Xcollazo requested to merge pin-black-to-2311 into main

Latest successful black run locally used 23.11.* line:

docker run \
  --platform linux/x86_64 \
  --memory="8g" \
  --cpus="5.0" \
  --rm -it \
  --volume .:/opt/airflow-dags \
  --workdir /opt/airflow-dags \
  conda_env_lint \
  bash -c -p "source /opt/miniconda/bin/activate && conda activate airflow && flake8 && mypy && black --version"                   

Success: no issues found in 234 source files
black, 23.11.0 (compiled: yes)
Python (CPython) 3.10.9

So, let's pin to that to avoid picking style changes in that are breaking the build.

Edited by Xcollazo

Merge request reports