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  • SBassett's avatar
    Several new changes to appsec ci templates: · b3ef645c
    SBassett authored
    * Create new directories and stub ci templates for:
      * golang-nancy
      * php-composer-outdated
      * php-security-checker
      * python-safety-db
    * Move auditjs to npm-auditjs to match dir naming convention
    * Remove semgrep rules dir - will not live here
    * Update docker images to be language-specific.  This is a
      more cohesive strategy to leverage a single image for a
      group of language-related tools, while also allowing
      additional flexibility to overwrite such images via
      additional env variable assignments.
    * Clean up some comments within various ci yaml files
      as they featured unhelpful copypasta messages from
      previously-copied templates.
    Bug: T289293