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  • Valerio Bozzolan's avatar
    Fix PHP 8.1 "strlen(null)" exception which can block repository imports · 5405134f
    Valerio Bozzolan authored
    `strlen()` was used in Phabricator to check if a generic value is a non-empty string.
    This behavior is deprecated since PHP 8.1.
    Interestingly, in upstream they started fixing this yesterday, with just this minimal change:
    Premising counting the length of a string just to answer the question "is this empty?" may be overkill,
    but premising that adopting stuff like phutil_nonempty_string() could be too risky, we just do
    an explicit cast to string, to answer the question "Is this string empty?" just like it was done
    under the hood by the strlen() function.
    In short, this is probably nice and more readable than upstream (but not a competition).
    Closes T15370
    Test Plan:
    - create a Mercurial repository
    - push some things
    - it should conclude the import (or at least unlock a different Exception)
    Reviewers: O1 Blessed Committers, speck, avivey
    Reviewed By: O1 Blessed Committers, avivey
    Subscribers: avivey, amit, speck, tobiaswiese, Matthew, Cigaryno
    Maniphest Tasks: T15370
    Differential Revision: