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  • Phuedx's avatar
    [PHP] Introduce EventSubmitter interface · e96d6475
    Phuedx authored
    Per the latest review of I8031af03a9f229fa7f7577344291647bff25635e, the
    dependency of the Metrics Platform on the Event Platform should be
    clarified. We do so by:
    * Introducing a generic EventSubmitter interface, implementations of
      which are responsible for submitting events to event ingestion
      services; and
    * Making MetricsClient accept an instance of EventSubmitter and make
      MetricsClient#submit() defer to it
    Supporting changes:
    * Remove Integration#getHostName() as it is defunct
    Bug: T281762
    Change-Id: I23ae14a43e0bf440c22cd3980b0a2b32c1940414