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page_content_change: retry requests on missing content

Gmodena requested to merge page_change-add-badrevision into main

This MR improves error handling for revisions that trigger a "missing content" response from the Mediawiki Action API.

See for mode details on this error semantic.

This MR introduces two named exceptions to handle:

  • lagging database replica errors (MediaWikiApiDatabaseReplicaLagError).
  • generic missing content resulting in "badrevids" payloads (MediaWikiApiMissingContentError).

Both errors are re-tried and if not resolved forwarded to the error topic. The exception name will be set to the error_type field of errors. tests/ gives an example of how these errors can be filtered by clients:

if errored_event["revision"]["rev_id"] == 2147483647:
    assert event["error_type"] == "MediaWikiApiMissingContentError"
elif errored_event["revision"]["rev_id"] == 12345:
    assert event["error_type"] == "MediaWikiApiDatabaseReplicaLagError"

While named exceptions are considered an anti-pattern and not Pythonic, I think they will help consumers of the error topic to filter error types.

This MR reverts back CI changes for coverage reporting in Gitlab. See the bug report in for details.

Bug: T309699

Bug: T340195

cc / @dcausse @tchin @otto @milimetric

Edited by Gmodena

Merge request reports
