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  • Brouberol's avatar
    Switch from miniconda to miniforge · 7d6b59ad
    Brouberol authored and Btullis's avatar Btullis committed
    * Remove the strict channel priority from condarc
    When using miniconda we had two channels named default and conda-forge.
    Now when using miniforge, the only channel is conda-forge.
    We had observed that cloning a new environment in JupyterHub failed due
    to this strict channel priority being in place. We therefore wish to
    remove this strict policy in order to address this failure to clone.
    Bug: T372417
    * Stop using the classic solver in conda-analytics-clone
    We require the conda and conda-libmamba-solver packages to be present in
    environments that are created by the conda-analytics-clone script.
    However, the default behaviour of the `conda clone` command is to
    exclude these packages. We have a step that manually installs the
    packages from the local cache when clong the environment.
    Until today, we have had to specify the use of the 'classic' conda
    solver when installing these two packages, but it seems that the newer
    version of miniconda (or miniforge) no longer requires this workaround
    and fails if we try to use it.
    Bug: T372417
    * Switch from miniconda to miniforge
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBalthazar Rouberol <>
    Bug: T372417