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ingress-admission: bump to 0.0.51-20240926154329-19cfe59e

Merged Ghost User requested to merge bump_ingress-admission into main

From 0.0.50-20240904123720-27c26acf To 0.0.51-20240926154329-19cfe59e See

Bug: T359641 Signed-off-by: Raymond Ndibe

Merge request reports

Pipeline #76455 passed

Pipeline passed for a428eccb on bump_ingress-admission

Approved by

Merged by Raymond NdibeRaymond Ndibe 3 months ago (Sep 26, 2024 4:46pm UTC)

Merge details

  • Changes merged into main with a428eccb.
  • Deleted the source branch.

Pipeline #76458 passed

Pipeline passed for a428eccb on main


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  • Tracking
  • A deleted user added Needs review label

    added Needs review label

  • Ghost User restored source branch bump_ingress-admission

    restored source branch bump_ingress-admission

  • Raymond Ndibe added 3 commits

    added 3 commits

    Compare with previous version

  • Raymond Ndibe added 2 commits

    added 2 commits

    • 5008df15 - 1 commit from branch main
    • a428eccb - ingress-admission: bump to 0.0.51-20240926154329-19cfe59e

    Compare with previous version

  • Ran the tests on toolsbeta: 🗹 PASSED (ran all tests)

    HEAD is now at 5008df1 Update file
    Running tests from branch: * main
    Installed toolforge components versions:
    component type package name version comment
    api-gateway chart api-gateway api-gateway-0.0.44-20240902122941-a7ca33e8
    builds-api chart builds-api builds-api-0.0.170-20240902125720-e7b15322
    builds-builder chart builds-builder builds-builder-0.0.117-20240902122920-3b0529c7
    builds-cli package toolforge-builds-cli 0.0.19
    calico chart calico calico-0.0.14-20240920191533-f94f2f8d
    cert-manager chart cert-manager cert-manager-v1.15.3
    components-api chart components-api components-api-0.0.15-20240902084355-d4743502 toolforge-deploy has components-api-0.0.17-20240902084955-4746c939
    envvars-admission chart envvars-admission envvars-admission-0.0.18-20240903113434-ab4845b7
    envvars-api chart envvars-api envvars-api-0.0.60-20240902124757-342c4931
    envvars-cli package toolforge-envvars-cli 0.0.11
    image-config chart image-config image-config-0.0.20-20240209102849-75f6a5f8
    ingress-admission chart ingress-admission ingress-admission-0.0.51-20240926154329-19cfe59e toolforge-deploy has ingress-admission-0.0.50-20240904123720-27c26acf
    ingress-nginx-gen2 chart ingress-nginx-gen2 ingress-nginx-4.11.2
    jobs-api chart jobs-api jobs-api-0.0.336-20240919135748-c8ffa589
    jobs-cli package toolforge-jobs-framework-cli 16.1.4
    kyverno chart kyverno kyverno-3.2.6
    maintain-kubeusers chart maintain-kubeusers maintain-kubeusers-0.0.169-20240924215037-64da2c2e
    registry-admission chart registry-admission registry-admission-0.0.51-20240926154338-be8dc0fd
    toolforge-cli package toolforge-cli 0.3.5
    toolforge-weld package python3-toolforge-weld 1.6.2
    tools-webservice package toolforge-webservice 0.103.10
    volume-admission chart volume-admission volume-admission-0.0.56-20240926151825-d311e795
    wmcs-k8s-metrics chart wmcs-metrics wmcs-k8s-metrics-0.0.20-20240628101504-9ed20c1f
    HEAD is now at 5008df15 Update file
    Running tests from branch: * main
     ✓ start build [894]
     ✓ list build [707]
     ✓ tail logs and wait (slow) [41581]
     ✓ show finished build (slow) [698]
     ✓ delete build [1986]
     ✓ quota [796]
     ✓ delete all [677]
     ✓ clean [1478]
     ✓ get openapi definition [576]
     ✓ get envvars openapi definition without auth works [345]
     ✓ get envvars metrics without auth works [347]
     ✓ get envvars health without auth works [335]
     ✓ get envvars list for current tool works [347]
     ✓ get envvars list for other tool fails with forbidden [245]
     ✓ get jobs openapi definition without auth works [305]
     ✓ get jobs metrics without auth works [295]
     ✓ get jobs health without auth works [303]
     ✓ get jobs list for current tool works [487]
     ✓ get jobs list for other tool fails with forbidden [326]
     ✓ get builds openapi definition without auth works [377]
     ✓ get builds metrics without auth works [276]
     ✓ get builds health without auth works [1305]
     ✓ get builds list for current tool works [351]
     ✓ get builds list for other tool fails with forbidden [213]
     ✓ get components openapi definition without auth works [338]
     ✓ get components health without auth works [326]
     ✓ create envvar [601]
     ✓ list envvars [727]
     ✓ show envvars [742]
     ✓ envvars are set inside jobs [6797]
     ✓ delete envvar [1834]
     ✓ quota [810]
     ✓ run a continuous job with script healthcheck passing [5889]
     ✓ run a continuous job with script healthcheck failing [19488]
     ✓ run a continuous job that defaults to 1 replica [2610]
     ✓ run a continuous job with 2 replicas configured [2409]
     ✓ run a continuous job without port shows no port [2387]
     ✓ run a continuous job with a port shows port [2437]
     ✓ run a continuous job with a port exposes port [10247]
     ✓ run a simple continuous job [30361]
     ✓ do a simple dump and load [5468]
     ✓ doing a load does not flush all other jobs (T364204) [6162]
     ✓ run a simple one-off job [6758]
     ✓ run a simple scheduled job [92040]
     ✓ verify the registry admission is not allowing arbitrary registries in a deploy [403]
     ✓ verify the registry admission is not allowing arbitrary registries in a pod [337]
     ✓ verify the runAsNonRoot pod policy is acting [993]
     ✓ status of stopped webservice [801]
     ✓ start webservice [3640]
     ✓ get logs [808]
     ✓ restart [6630]
     ✓ can be reached by external url [237]
     ✓ stop [1675]
     ✓ shell starts and echoes [4325]
    54 tests, 0 failures in 280 seconds
  • Ran the tests on tools: 🗹 PASSED (ran all tests)

    HEAD is now at 5008df1 Update file
    Running tests from branch: * main
    Installed toolforge components versions:
    component type package name version comment
    api-gateway chart api-gateway api-gateway-0.0.44-20240902122941-a7ca33e8
    builds-api chart builds-api builds-api-0.0.170-20240902125720-e7b15322
    builds-builder chart builds-builder builds-builder-0.0.117-20240902122920-3b0529c7
    builds-cli package toolforge-builds-cli 0.0.19
    calico chart calico calico-0.0.14-20240920191533-f94f2f8d
    cert-manager chart cert-manager cert-manager-v1.15.3
    components-api chart components-api components-api-0.0.17-20240902084955-4746c939
    envvars-admission chart envvars-admission envvars-admission-0.0.18-20240903113434-ab4845b7
    envvars-api chart envvars-api envvars-api-0.0.60-20240902124757-342c4931
    envvars-cli package toolforge-envvars-cli 0.0.11
    image-config chart image-config image-config-0.0.20-20240209102849-75f6a5f8
    ingress-admission chart ingress-admission ingress-admission-0.0.51-20240926154329-19cfe59e toolforge-deploy has ingress-admission-0.0.50-20240904123720-27c26acf
    ingress-nginx-gen2 chart ingress-nginx-gen2 ingress-nginx-4.11.2
    jobs-api chart jobs-api jobs-api-0.0.336-20240919135748-c8ffa589
    jobs-cli package toolforge-jobs-framework-cli 16.1.4
    kyverno chart kyverno kyverno-3.2.6
    maintain-kubeusers chart maintain-kubeusers maintain-kubeusers-0.0.169-20240924215037-64da2c2e
    registry-admission chart registry-admission registry-admission-0.0.51-20240926154338-be8dc0fd
    toolforge-cli package toolforge-cli 0.3.5
    toolforge-weld package python3-toolforge-weld 1.6.2
    tools-webservice package toolforge-webservice 0.103.10
    volume-admission chart volume-admission volume-admission-0.0.56-20240926151825-d311e795
    wmcs-k8s-metrics chart wmcs-metrics wmcs-k8s-metrics-0.0.20-20240628101504-9ed20c1f
    HEAD is now at 5008df15 Update file
    Running tests from branch: * main
     ✓ start build [1966]
     ✓ list build [1757]
     ✓ tail logs and wait (slow) [40522]
     ✓ show finished build (slow) [2019]
     ✓ delete build [4083]
     ✓ quota [897]
     ✓ delete all [1855]
     ✓ clean [2381]
     ✓ get openapi definition [671]
     ✓ get envvars openapi definition without auth works [410]
     ✓ get envvars metrics without auth works [333]
     ✓ get envvars health without auth works [394]
     ✓ get envvars list for current tool works [367]
     ✓ get envvars list for other tool fails with forbidden [327]
     ✓ get jobs openapi definition without auth works [433]
     ✓ get jobs metrics without auth works [365]
     ✓ get jobs health without auth works [406]
     ✓ get jobs list for current tool works [526]
     ✓ get jobs list for other tool fails with forbidden [351]
     ✓ get builds openapi definition without auth works [408]
     ✓ get builds metrics without auth works [353]
     ✓ get builds health without auth works [391]
     ✓ get builds list for current tool works [1537]
     ✓ get builds list for other tool fails with forbidden [346]
     ✓ get components openapi definition without auth works [376]
     ✓ get components health without auth works [378]
     ✓ create envvar [819]
     ✓ list envvars [764]
     ✓ show envvars [769]
     ✓ envvars are set inside jobs [7047]
     ✓ delete envvar [1932]
     ✓ quota [779]
     ✓ run a continuous job with script healthcheck passing [5997]
     ✓ run a continuous job with script healthcheck failing [19130]
     ✓ run a continuous job that defaults to 1 replica [2510]
     ✓ run a continuous job with 2 replicas configured [2603]
     ✓ run a continuous job without port shows no port [2731]
     ✓ run a continuous job with a port shows port [2583]
     ✓ run a continuous job with a port exposes port [10474]
     ✓ run a simple continuous job [30433]
     ✓ do a simple dump and load [5623]
     ✓ doing a load does not flush all other jobs (T364204) [6434]
     ✓ run a simple one-off job [6904]
     ✓ run a simple scheduled job [30278]
     ✓ verify the registry admission is not allowing arbitrary registries in a deploy [442]
     ✓ verify the registry admission is not allowing arbitrary registries in a pod [457]
     ✓ verify the runAsNonRoot pod policy is acting [1696]
     ✓ status of stopped webservice [854]
     ✓ start webservice [3857]
     ✓ get logs [863]
     ✓ restart [6615]
     ✓ can be reached by external url [5293]
     ✓ stop [1844]
     ✓ shell starts and echoes [4974]
    54 tests, 0 failures in 238 seconds
  • Raymond Ndibe approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

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