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  • Cory Massaro's avatar
    Allow evaluator tests to read Avro format in addition to raw Z7s. · f6c28aa8
    Cory Massaro authored and Ecarg's avatar Ecarg committed
    This will make it easier to write new tests for the evaluators.
    - fix existing bug where expectedMissingMetadata wasn't being propagated;
    - move all tests up to use semver 0.1.0 of the binary format; 
    - add the `allowBinaryFormat` option in tests so that compact requests can be specified in addition to Z7s;
    - as proof that this works, remove the `*_add_Z7.json` files and associated tests; use the `*_add.json` files instead
    In a subsequent MR, we can switch all of the existing tests over, as well.