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Prioritized labels 0

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Other labels 11

  • future
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    An issue to be dealt with in the future.
  • priority::medium
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    Medium priority. Fixes may be done immediately if the issue causes disruption that would make using RedWarn a disturbance.
  • priority::mild
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    Mild priority. The fix is not required immediately, and will be dealt with if other, more important matters no longer need attention.
  • priority::needs triage
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    The current priority of the issue is undetermined.
  • result::done
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    An issue or feature that was fixed/implemented successfully
  • result::invalid
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    An issue or feature that cannot be reproducible, does not make sense, or does not have enough information.
  • scope::UX
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    An issue or feature that deals with the RedWarn user experience.
  • state::think about
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    Internal discussions are taking place before this issue will be further addressed.
  • state::to do
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    The issue will be done in the near future, most likely within the next update.
  • type::bug
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    Any issue that illustrates a non-working component of RedWarn, or a disturbance caused by using RedWarn.
  • type::feature
    repos / 10nm (Ultraviolet team) / Ultraviolet
    A feature request or a feature change suggestion that may change the experience of using RedWarn for the better