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merge new config system back into source branch

Chlod Alejandro requested to merge dev-rwTS-edconfig into dev-rwTS

Merge new config system back into main dev branch

This system allows for expandability, and unification when it comes to building RedWarn preferences. HOWEVER, this differs from the existing system as config options are now grouped (core, ui, rollback, accessibility) to allow for further expansion if we choose in future.

Original Internal Discord Message:
FYI @all
Working on new pref system, so basically now everything is split into its own file, meaning now you'd have to reference Configuration.ui to access UI settings, same with rollback and so on - the main reason for this is expandability, so we basically don't end up with a fat record with a bunch of unrelated options together. However, just make sure now when referencing your config values shove a .ui or a .core or .rollback between

(also on the way it works yes I know the expanding out from an array to a record isn't ideal however DRY is a good etiquette we should follow, we already set a key within the setting)

Edited by Chlod Alejandro

Merge request reports
