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  • It can also be wrapped in a bash or zsh alias so you can just run decode_qr:

    decode_qr() {
        docker run --rm \
            -v "$(pwd):/app" \
            -w /app \
            debian:bookworm-slim \
            sh -c '
                apt update >/dev/null 2>&1 && 
                apt install -y zbar-tools >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
                for file in *.svg; do 
                    echo "\n$file"
                    zbarimg --raw --nodbus -q "$file"
    • add the function snippet above to your ~./zshrc or ~./bashrc
    • restart your terminal
    • then you can just cd to the directory containing QR code SVG files and run decode_qr
    Edited by Mhurd
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