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  • Ebernhardson's avatar
    Use explicit schema when collecting features from kafka · 74dd7dfc
    Ebernhardson authored
    Asking spark to guess a schema requires the driver to stop there and
    run executors until it has some rows it can guess the schema from. We
    know what should be there, tell spark and save some work.
    Change-Id: I27452d5e32451e580d7752c39301c2363bb92f3f
    Use explicit schema when collecting features from kafka
    Ebernhardson authored
    Asking spark to guess a schema requires the driver to stop there and
    run executors until it has some rows it can guess the schema from. We
    know what should be there, tell spark and save some work.
    Change-Id: I27452d5e32451e580d7752c39301c2363bb92f3f