New release v0.3.1: - Use "docker compose" instead of docker-compose - Update Codex + Design Tokens to v1.16.0 - Override Codex table style as temporary fix - Correct typographic styles: - Set proper style for the Edit button - Iconography was updated - machine-readable name and stream name (when app/base schema is selected) are set as readonly instead of disabled - Set the right background color for dark mode - Fixed the issue that disabled any instrument/experiment after being modified - Organized Vue parts. The right order is script, template and style - Fixed cdx-lookup component for selecting stream name. v-initial-input-value was deprecated at some point in favour of input-value (a couple more occurrences have been fixed) - Some placeholders have been added sampling unit select component is part of Sampling.vue (it was placed at the beginning of the Specifications.vue file)