Support loading options from config files; refactor git related commands
Created by: ottomata
In order to ease use of jsonschema-tools as a library, this commit adds support for reading in configs from config files, e.g. .jsonschema-tools.yaml. This yaml or json config file is an object keyed by the same options described in the defaultOptions documentation in index.js.
defaultOptions are always set, and then overridden by provided config files, and then lastly by any CLI options if running in CLI mode. The config file will allow easier configuration of schema repositories, without having to manually provide CLI opts when running on the CLI (or from the pre-commit hook), or when running as a JS library, e.g. for tests.
Some CLI opts and function args have changed.
git-root is no longer a CLI opt. When needed, git root will be discovered from the schema-base-path.
The pre-commit hook installed by install-git-hook no longer renders custom options from the CLI as javascript. If you need to customize the pre-commit hook, you should edit the .jsonschema-tools.yaml (or other) config file.
materialize-modified will now by default look for unstaged schema files. Staged ones likely only should be materialized during the pre-commit hook, so the pre-commit hook overrides this by passing --staged.
materialize-modified takes an optional schema-base-path instead of the path to the git-root.
Note: the new readConfig function by default will only attempt to read config files the first time it is called. After that, it expects that options has already been set by a previous call to readConfig. This allows to pass options around without keeping global state by reading config the first time it is needed. If you need to re-read config, just set the force arg to true.