T382407 Revert change to instance URI for rest external task sensor
Contributor checklist
I have written tests for this DAG that will be merged into data-engineering/airflow-dags/tests/wmde -
I have locally ran the above tests and code quality checks as outlined in the tests section of the Airflow DAGs project readme -
I have tested the jobs for this DAG in my local database using the process defined in wmde/analytics/hql/airflow_jobs/PATH_TO_JOB_TESTS -
I have tested the included DAGs in my local database using the process outlined in TEST_AIRFLOW_DAGS.md and the test variable files provided for each DAG - Note that local tests aren't possible for local instances using
at this time
- Note that local tests aren't possible for local instances using
All Hive tables that are needed by the included DAG jobs have been created and are accessible by the analytics-wmde
Airflow user-
already exists
T382407: Currently the DAG that generates
has a malfunctioning sensor. In #977 we tried to fix this via adding theREQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE
and switching the endpoint. This didn't work, so the new test is switching the endpoint back and maintainingREQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE
Test outputs
- Task outputs are not needed here as the DAG is already deployed and we just want to unbreak it.