Resolve T382878 Update all WMDE DAG SLAs
Contributor checklist
I have written tests for this DAG that will be merged into data-engineering/airflow-dags/tests/wmde -
I have locally ran the above tests and code quality checks as outlined in the tests section of the Airflow DAGs project readme -
I have tested the included DAGs in my local database using the process outlined in and the test variable files provided for each DAG - All DAGs were tested in prior MRs
All Hive tables that are needed by the included DAG jobs have been created and are accessible by the analytics-wmde
Airflow user-
(this updates SLAs for all current DAGs)
- T382878: WMDE is getting lots of emails for DAGs taking longer than the originally set 6 hour SLA to finish. This MR updates all DAGs based on the time that it normally takes for them to finish, as none of the currently received emails has been needed.
Test outputs
- Testing not needed as this is changing SLAs