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Publicly exposes streams of MediaWiki and Wikimedia events.
Events will be streamed to clients using SSE backed by Kafka.
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Tool to add usage examples to lexeme senses
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Publicly exposes streams of MediaWiki and Wikimedia events.
Events will be streamed to clients using SSE backed by Kafka.
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Project to build blubber image of miscweb static site "design.wikimedia.org". Imported from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/design/blog/
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Project to build blubber image of miscweb static site "transparency" and "transparency-archiv". Imported from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/wikimedia/TransparencyReport/
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Tooling to automate and simplify Swift ring management for WMF
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An example repository on how to implement Selenium tests in Ruby using Cucumber
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An example repository on how to implement Selenium tests in Ruby