Explore projects
Archived 1Updated
Image recommendation for unillustrated Wikipedia articles
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Experiments with airflow dags and jobs running on WMF analytics infrastructure.
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Spark metrics related custom classes and sinks (e.g. Prometheus)
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Datapipelines operationalised by the Generated Data Platform team.
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Makefile with shortcut for spinning up a Dockerized MediaWiki instance configured with the CirrusSearch and Elastica extensions, from scratch, with a single command.
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Archived 0Updated
This repository has been fully included in the toolforge-deploy repository: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/toolforge-deploy Any new changes should go there instead.
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Data jobs owned by the Global Data and Insights team.
These should use conda-dist from workflow_utils to generate conda env artifacts, which are then deployed to the Analytics Data Lake for scheduling and running by Airflow.
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This is the deployment repository for cert-manager as installed on Toolforge Kubernetes.
More information: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes/Certificates
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Archived 4Updated
Packaging boilerplate for the buildpacks pack cli (https://buildpacks.io/docs/tools/pack/)
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Generate tracking reports for various Grid Engine deprecation projects
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Tools running jobs on Grid Engine hosts in the last 7 days. Allows viewing aggregate information about jobs that tools have run on the Toolforge job grid.
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helm charts for Toolforge kubernetes custom components
Archived 0Updated